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Dark lips: He has extravagant sexual needs, knows exactly what he wants in bed, isn't too shy to take the initiative, may amaze his partner with his uninhibited passion.
Long, thick upper lip:
Dominated by his own urges, may neglect the wishes of his partner.
Large mouth: His partner's arousal is as important as his own, imaginative lover, knows how to give as well as take, takes his time reaching an orgasm, very potent lover.
Small mouth: He is a controlling but interesting lover who knows how to celebrate sex as an art, always has a quick orgasm, inventive erotic imagination.
Very fleshy upper lip:
He has a high sexual tension, ready to put unconventional fantasies into practice (makes no difference whether it happens in the elevator or the bed).
Fleshy upper lip which is broad to the corners of the mouth:
Incredibly inventive lover, likely to combine pain and pleasure, may like to be dominated and abused.
Lower lip thicker than upper lip:
Very sensual lover, searches compulsively for love and eroticism, may have a long and varied list of affairs. Full lower lip- talkative.
Full pout lips: He may be shy of foreplay, once he overcomes his initial inhibitions he prefers threesomes.
Pursed lips: He is difficult to satisfy in bed.
Corners of the mouth turned down:
Prefers changing partners over a real relationship.
The nose is linked to personal wealth. Thus, by studying someone's nose, you can tell whether that person will be financially well-endowed or not. It is also believed that the key to divining a man's sexual power is his nose.
A straight nose is linked with success in life.
Fine, thin wrinkles or lines below the base of the nose, running parallel with the mouth:
He hardly thinks of anything else but sex, wild urge to be loved in every way imaginable.
Roman nose: He needs a challenge, if his thirst for sexual conquest is satisfied too quickly then his lust for a particular person may fade.
Turned-up nose: He isn't consumed with passion when in love, but once he is sure of his partner he can develop eroticism through sensuality.
Angular, down turned nose:
These are the people who know spend only if necessary.
Snub nose: Prefers romantic sex in traditional positions, rarely tries erotic experiments.
The ears determine your fortunes from birth until the age of 14 -- the left ear from birth to 7 and the right ear from 8 to 14. Large and well-developed ears represent good luck during your childhood. Large and thick earlobes are a sign of intelligence, and are often associated with wealth and a long life.
Large, fleshy, bulging earlobes:
Vivid erotic imagination, perfect lover.
Small earlobes: His blocked feelings may spoil his enjoyment of sex.
Ears that lie flat to the head:
Conventional love life, not willing to experiment.
Pointed ears: His seductive sexual manner leaves hardly a desire unfulfilled.
Ears set low: Idealistic, romantic and optimist.
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