Are you
ready for
? |
Do you feel you're too young to be married?
Are your parents exerting pressure on you to get married?
Are you in love with this guy but feel maybe you'll aren't the right age to marry?
Are you so desperately in love with this T.D.H guy that you can't wait to get married?
The truth is that the -'right age to marry'- will be different for different people. . Here are some conditions which you may check out to decide whether it's the right time or not for you to 'tie the knot'.
First and foremost are you absolutely sure that you're in love with this guy you want to marry?
Do you know him well enough? It means both his strengths and weaknesses? Coz' during the courtship period everyone's at their best!
Do you accept 'Him' as he is? Better late than alterations after marriage.
Do you feel ready to commit yourself to this relationship?
Are you ready to be able to make compromises based on mutual understanding?
Do you have complete trust and faith in him?
Are equally sure that he returns your complete love, faith and trust, and is able to really accept you as you are?
If the answers to most/all of the above are YES then go ahead …and plan your Great Day!!
However it would do you further good to ponder upon a few more tho'ts before you make your final decision.
Have you had the scope to meet different people and have diverse exposure?
It is also very important to become independent and self-sufficient.
You should not harbor such feelings after marriage that you've not spent enough time letting your hair down and having fun with friends.
If you are the career woman types then don't make the mistake of jumping into marriage in the initial stages of your career. This can be disastrous for your marriage.
You should be in a frame of mind and at a stage in life when you can say "Adieu" to your footloose and carefree life and step into a life of commitment, responsibilities, sharing and caring.
The undercurrent is that - you need not hop … step…. And jump into marriage! You should rather 'look before you leap'. When you tie the knot it needs to a secure one.
Do we hear the bells ringing? ? ?