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2) Because, acting sexually liberated might pose problems.
Do not try to emulate the Devil-may-care attitudes and sex lives of all those daring models, film personalities and high society people, if you are not comfortable with their ideals.
You need not present yourself as what you are not. If you are not the sexually liberated, high brow kind, the world won't end sweetie. So relax!
Its awright to be one of those extinct romantics of the old world kind, who still prefer to be wooed with those sinful chocolates, stunning long-stemmed roses, mushy poetry, candle light dinners, moonlit walks etc.

The Unintended Result:
1) Men's desire for sex sometimes results in intimacy;
1a) Men often go looking for sex and end up finding love;
2) Women's desire for intimacy often results in sex;
2a) Women often go looking for love and end up finding only sex.
3) Because, you may lose respect for each other.
Though not necessarily so. The tender sapling of mutual respect grows to spread its sturdy branches and reinvigorating shade when both parties prove themselves to be people of character who will not compromise on their convictions, honour, and duty to God.
More often than not, the more physically involved the dating relationship, the worse it is. That flies in the face of the world, which teaches the opposite. Many relationships decay with time because the pair was too physically involved.
A mutually trusting couple is able to solve and better still discuss issues, spell out pressing problems, resolve conflicts, wrangle over trivialities, pray together, or just be. All solid relationships that can face the test of time are built on mutual trust, respect, a sharing of frequencies.
Why shouldn't you refrain from sex?
B'coz life's supposed to be ENJOYED!! Majorly, that is. So, what's stopping you, baby?
B'coz you care too much for the guy in your life to not let him come closer.
B'coz it feels nice to be touched here explored there-made to feel special and loved by the one you love so madly.
B'coz it's better to check out if he's got any weird sexual preferences beforehand. You never know in this age, he might actually turn out to be a gay under cover. And you don't want that, right?
B'coz it comes as naturally to you as breathing, living.
B'coz he might turn out to be a real music lover who believes in playing the side-B after enjoying Side-A or
B'coz he might turn out to be the Dracula in real life. You might find him grinning with all his teeth red.
B'coz of the size of his
organ. You girls can compromise 15 - 20% but certainly not 40% or more, never know!!
You also get to know your sexual compatibility and drives.
Before having a physically intimate relation with other sex you should allow (this particularly applies to the fairer sex) enough time to know your partner better. Is it just a 'physical attraction' or 'real love' - this question will resolve on its own if you keep it that way.
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