HIS Pet NAME: Get to know his pet name. Ask if you can use it while addressing him. Nicknames are always very personal. Loved ones usually use this form of addressal. How do u get to know 'bout it? Simple. Next time when you call him, strain your ears a bit - his (Suppose,
Vijay) parents will probably yell pet names- Mickeyyyy....!
USING NAME TO ADVANTAGE: You should know when to utter his nick / first name. While talking to him, take his name in between sentences. A perfect sense of timing is absolutely necessary. It works wonders.
ACQUAINTANCE: Analyse. See how much he is allowing you to know about himself. If he requires months of acquaintance, so be it.
HIS SOCIAL AREA: Every individual has a social area around his being. For example, if anyone comes very close to you in a fairly open place, you become uncomfortable & tend to go back to maintain that distance in between. This social area is different for every individual. Find his area. Whenever you two are discussing something intimate, gradually and unknowingly, encroach that area. Observe his reaction to it. If he feels uncomfortable, you still have a long journey to make. Do not forget to watch out for public place restrictions.
HIS REJOINDER: Actions speak louder than words, and if the guy likes the way you treat him, he will soon like the inner you.
DRESSES: If your friend starts wearing great dresses just to be with you, he now uses deo's and perfumes, looks great, makes extra effort to his outfit which he never did before, you should be sure that you have tripped him.
OBSERVE: In due course of your friendship observe the way he responds to your decisions. Once the decision is made, does he make an effort to convince you? This process should be clear to you before he makes the proposal.
TIMING: Most of your endeavours to impress him may fail. Not because they are bad ideas or that they are shoddily presented but because the timing is not correct. It is actually your sixth sense, which tells you about the right time to pitch the idea forward. Perfection requires continuous practice.
DO THE OPPOSITE: Do the opposite of what he expects you to do. Excuse, when you are expected to abuse, be polite when you are expected to be harsh.
THE SURPRISE ELEMENT: Tell him that your great grandfather was a freedom fighter. It was he who managed the supplies of weapons to 'Garam Dal', he was a genius in machinery line. The weapon used in the assassination of Gen. Dyer was made and supplied by your great grand father.
INTELLECTUALLY: This comes first in all circumstances.
a) He needs to be stimulated intellectually. This mental compatibility will bind you together. If you are intelligent, let him know this. But before you rush off to your intended sweetheart to swagger 'bout yourself, get down to the basics and prepare yourself wreally well. For that you'll need to be in the know. Do not feel that Current affair's or what's happening around in the world is not your cup of tea. Be aware.
b) The keyword is to be SUBTLE. Dropping small hints at times will work wonders.
BEHAVIOR WISE: This is a vast area and includes certain very important zones that need to be constantly worked upon and attended to regularly, viz.: your manners, bearing, poise, demeanor, your conduct, reaction and adjustments with people etc.
a) Remember you are under constant microscopic watch. Every single thing you do is being minutely observed and goes a long way in creating an impression on him. The way you carry yourself, the way you greet him, the way you treat him, your table manners, phone manners, style of framing sentences, voice pitch etc. If you are able to control your impression on him you can actually control the way he thinks about you.
b) Set your life principles. Let your life be governed by them. Saying 'I am sorry, my principles do not allow me to do that' creates a good impression provided it is used at the right time, at the right place and on the right occasion. Occasionally break them for him, if you find it necessary. Make sure to let him know that it is because of him that you are doing so. But don't you force it down him throat, either.
Learn to say 'I am
sorry'. Have guts to accept your mistakes. Never blame others for your doings. Accepting your mistakes boldly actually elevates you in every ones eyes. This mirrors your courage.
Don't accept what is
wrong. Instead, fight it out. Remember this: to get a wrongdoer out of filth, at times you might have to get into it.
Don't just behave like a gentleman. Be one. A kind heart to others means a kind heart to him. It doesn't mean that you hell out 20 bucks for a beggar in his presence. You have to show your kind heart not money. The way you treat a person, be it a beggar or a waiter in a restaurant reveals your inner self.
Getting irritated or impatient might prove to be very damaging in the long run. Anger is your worst enemy. Keep it tightly under control.
If you ever commit anything to him, keep your word. Else let him know in time 'WHY' you couldn't. He should know that you dislike making false promises. Do this by following commitments.
Even if the guy in question is
wrong, tell him politely when alone. Don't insult him.
Remain well informed of his weaknesses. They should be your strength. Know about his deepest set backs in life. Help him out in revealing them. Use body language on such occasions.
If he criticizes or speaks ill of something or somebody, use your reasoning to modify his thinking. Convince him logically and rationally. Don't make this a habit. Be genuine.