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Male psyche ! The Female psyche !
A word of advise !
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The male psyche:
Most men are fickle of mind. They follow the pattern
'quick sex, quick exit'. After having sex and fulfilling their innermost desire, their usual thought process goes something like this:
Well, I wanted it. Fine. But, how could she - his supposed girl of dreams indulge in it?
From his point of view, she should have stopped him.
This implies that she does not possess the basic moral values of life. Thus in their own absurd way, equating morality and natural urges only for the female.
This no doubt goes to say that the girl in question is a loose character.
It need not be mentioned that men love to sample different female bodies. Just because his ego & lust has been satisfied, he will usually label her as a loose character and make a fast exit from her life. No need to add that he does surely toss a reason for this in her direction. A reason that serves the purpose of a cover up yet has no link with the real one.
In all probability, he'll think alone or with his best friend. Surely at some point of time, they will discuss her censurable actions. If, by any chance, a thought - a single thought, an ideal thought, takes root in his mind that "No Yaar, no good female would like to indulge in sex before her marriage, whatever the circumstances", the girl is given a farewell from his life.
If she has certain other personality traits that he never liked, she is again- dumped. He will easily find hundreds of ways to go away from her.
After the act the guy usually loses respect for the girl, knowing that she is willing to give up her honour, self-respect, and
virginity for passionate lust.
A word of advice for the
It is YOU who want to indulge sexually. She wishes for emotional belonging first. Sex is the ultimate fulfillment for her but one that comes after emotions have hogged all limelight. Sex to her is the background to the sentimental drama. Its ever present yet takes a backseat.
It is 'YOU' who make all the advances.
It is YOU whom she loves.
It YOU who is the foundation of her entire future…
It is YOU to whom she decides to give her 'self'.
It is YOU who search for the most out of the way, secluded chemist shop and somehow manage to stutter 'Rubber Please!'
It is 'YOU' who somehow arrange a room that is totally yours for 2 hours.
Where is the balance?
To bring about equilibrium, both the male and the female have to bend a little. Both have to make a conscious effort to entwine their psychology in such a manner that it brings them into a state of mutual harmony.
This means that the relationship has to be essentially symbiotic. How this is done is very much individualistic and depends on the kind of chemistry a couple shares.
It's actually a whole lot better if you establish the boundaries and walls of your relation at the rudimentary stages itself and then maintain them throughout. Although you may find the going tough, it has un-debatable long-term rewards awaiting you at the end of the road.
Actually, et all entirely depends on you, your emotional levels and needs, your attitude towards people, relationships - LIFE. You are the boss.
All you need to do is to evaluate 'The Inner You' honestly.
