What a
her guy?
Mr. Right !
Body Wise: The TDH syndrome ain't outdated yet has its own disgressors. In general, tall, well-built, muscular physique, broad shoulders, bushy/clean-shaven chest, lush moustache, clean-shaven/slightly grisly cheeks, blah, blah, blah…
Mind Wise: First and foremost-a striking sense of humor, a positive thinker, intellectually stimulating, creative, curious, abreast of the times, Good communication skills, attention engaging, etc. In a nutshell preppie, ya can't not afford to seem like a pig-headed male chauvinist.
Soul Wise: Spiritually intimidating, a pure and tamed inner self, sensitive and understanding, undemanding, genuinely loving, spontaneous, loyal, blatantly honest but caring enough to not to cause pain, unselfish, respects you, admirer of beauty, nature & his flame, definitely, is a die hard romantic, is open to change and growth, enjoys her company. The watchword is - CIVILISED from within.
Career Wise: well employed with excellent career, a virtual galaxy of silver & gold credit cards, fleet of dazzling cars, huge bank balance, a handsome chateau in Louver, few beach resorts in Hawaii or Mauritius coupled with a team of househelp staff replete with master chefs et all don't hurt either.

Women think…
Men are like.....Bank accounts
Without a lot of money, they don't generate much interest.
Sex Wise: One who makes the two of ya behave like tigers in bed and puppies out of it, should know your moods and handle you gently / roughly ASAP. He should make you rejoice in your Being. Remember: Sensuality not Sexuality matters.
Other Wise: Ought to know how to impress & handle a female gracefully, with good dressing sense, engaging attitude, poise, bewitching personality that's conspicuous in a crowd, who can stimulate mentally, is mature enough and has common sense but can cuddle up like a kid if need be, chivalrous, faithful, punctual, a good listener, rational, who thinks clearly and takes well-timed decisions, is tolerant to faults, a strong pillar of strength during rough times, should help her in kitchen, take care of kids, if need be - change & wash their nappies and …….
NOTE: Above info not meant for gays.