How to
Letters ? |
In today's electronic world we are learning to communicate through the Email, voice mail, telephone etc. Hardly anyone has the time or inclination to write flowery letters...
But what makes the love letters special is that it will never wither away like the rose nor will it's fragrance ever fade. You can preserve it forever.
Believe it or not, there is no replacement of love letters. It is a signature of personal touch.
Few tips for writing love letters:
Use a fine paper and a micro tip pen for writing the letter. Girls generally settle for pale pink, blue, green or lavender. Guys can go in for the sand color. Snow white is of course universal.
Love letters should preferably be hand written. Your handwriting reflects your state of feeling and it adds the personal touch. Avoid typing your love letters - it'll impersonalise the letter.
Select a place where you can write in peace and tranquility. If you have a separate room, that could be ideal. You may try a corner of the garden or a park.
Don't forget to date your letter. You may also include the place and time, which will help your lover to visualise you while reading the letter. Also the letter will serve as a great souvenir jus' like old photographs.
How do you begin your letter? It can be just his/her name or anything as fancy as or a combination of -
a) My truest love…Anu
b) To the only one l love…
c) My hearts delight…
d) Anu… my sweetheart…
e) Anu…my love…
f) Jaan…
Write from deep within your heart. Be impressive down to earth and let the passion flow. If you are poetic, open the gates. Use some :
a) Punch lines like:
'For the world you are someone but Anu…for someone you are the
'My love will continue to grow even after l die',
'Anu…thinking of you is the next best thing to being
b) Touch of Hindi & URDU language in between English…
Your letter may be friendly, lovey-dovey, passionate, sensual or seductive.
You may write off your letter with the deepest declaration of your love… like - yours forever, tons of burning kisses, only yours…etc. P.S. Use it only if you want to highlight a very special thought.
Select an appropriate envelope. You'll find a variety of them in card shops. You can add a few red rose petals inside the envelope along with the letter. Let your imagination flow…
There is an age old tradition to express that you love her/him by pasting the stamp upside down on the envelope.
…Happy delivery…
