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Mirror! Mirror!
On the Wall! Who's the
among us all ?
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Used tea leaves should be washed & then boiled in enough water. Sieve it. Cool. Rinse hair after shampooing.
Have Dandruff? Squeeze a lemon in tea water and then rinse. Will give a healthy look and bounce to the hair.
Have dry scalp? Then this is the place of dandruffs! Try using honey-water to moisturize your crowning glory.
Oil! It's the best remedy. Plus daily food for your hair. Use hot oil (coconut or olive) Apply with gentle massage with the pads of your fingers. Leave it for a night. Before washing the next morning use one lemon juice on your scalp. Wait for 45-60 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.
Beer could also be used to give the hair body.
One could also use henna, amla, shikakai and reetha to give hair food and nourishment.
Henna! Yep girls and boys. Best remedy to hair conditioning. Soak henna in an iron vessel with a pinch of coffee or tea water and add half a lemon juice a night before applying. Wash it. Caution: Don't use henna extensively as it makes the hair look dry and brittle.
Henna mixed with lemon juice, egg, yogurt can be used for dyeing hair. Coffee can also be added to the paste to give a brown color. You know what? This also works as an anti-dandruff agent.
Try Milk! Yes! Use milk on the scalp for nourishment to dry damaged hair.
Use egg for conditioning of hair.
Lemon juice and tea water can also be used after washing hair to give it luster and shine.
Hands and feet, toes etc.:
Hands and legs are the parts one tends to ignore. But one should be careful, as these are also a part of our body, which needs all the attention as we give to our face.
Once in a while take time to use the left out mask or paste on hands as well.
Soak your tired fingers, palm, hands in water to which some salt is added.
You can also go for hot and cold treatment. First dip your hands in warm water and then dip it in cold water. This helps to relax your tired muscles.
Go for regular manicure.
Wax your hands to remove the hair. Wax is a mixture of lemon and honey. Thus this also helps to bleach your hand skin but the process can be extremely slow.
Use pumice stone to scrub out the hardened cuticle and dead skin.
Lemon can be used for bleaching purpose also. Rub it on elbows, heels and toes and then rinse off.
Our legs carry the whole weight of our body and hence one should take proper care of them as well.
Weekly pedicure should be made a habit..
Wax your legs as this helps in removing the dead skin.
One should regularly clean and wash feets after each outing.
This is hygienic as well as gives rest to tired toes and heels.
Tired feet? Soak legs upto calf in warm water to which salt is added. This would help to relax your tired
Cream should also be applied to legs, as the skin of legs also needs tender love and care.
Neck and Backs:
It's a common practice that we rush to our dermatologist if a scratch also appears on our face. But we always ignore the neck and the back potion of our body. The skin of the neck is very sensitive and wrinkles much earlier. Hence, whatever treatment is been given to face one should go a step lower and apply cream, mask etc. on neck as well.
For neck: The mask applied on the face should also be used on the neck portion.
Lemon turmeric gel should be used to lighten the skin of the neck.
When applying make-up, the foundation base or powder should also be applied on the neck to give a proper effect.
If you have dandruff then the back portion suffers the most. As the dandruff falls on the back resulting in ache or pimples.
Best is to scrub your back while taking a bath.
Also try using the lemon turmeric gel to lighten the skin of the backside as well.
Perfumes and scents:
Now who doesn't want to look and smell beautiful? If you have a bad body odor then it's eeks!! All that beauty effect comes down to zero effect.
Sweating is a common thing during summer times. Use deodorant.
All ready for the party. Use perfume but don't soak yourself in the same. People would then definitely run away from you.
Want the effect of your perfume to stay longer? Use petroleum jelly on the spot before applying perfume.
